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  5. WCF Video Box Slider

WCF Video Box Slider

Explore the below documentation to get a clear idea of how to use the WCF Video Box Slider widget:


From the Elementor panel, drag the “WCF Video Box Sliderwidget to a container on your page.

WCF video box slider


Under the “Video Box Slider” option, click on “Add Item” first.

WCF video box slider


Attach an image under the “Choose Image” option. Write the video title and subtitle. Attach a link under the “Video Link” option. 

WCF video box slider


Adjust the title HTML tag, image resolution, and max slider width. Toggle the “Thumbnail After” button and set the display. 

WCF video box slider


From the “Button” option, write the button text. Set up the icon, icon spacing, ripple color, and display. Enable or disable the “Active Ripple” and “Active Spinner” buttons. 

WCF video box slider


Move to the “Slider Options” Adjust the “Slides to Show,” “Autoplay,” “Loop,” “Pagination,” “Animation Speed,” “Navigation,” “Arrows,” “Direction,” and other necessary parameters. 

WCF video box slider


Under the “Style” section, customize the style for “Button”, “Thumbnail”, “Content”, “Slider Navigation”, and “Slider Pagination.”. 

WCF video box slider

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